Een brilkaaiman in expeditiegebied Madidi bij ZooParc Overloon.

Together, we take care of nature

Nature conservation ZooParc Overloon

At ZooParc, you go on an expedition and walk among the most extraordinary animals in different areas. These animals are ambassadors of their peers in the wild who often struggle in their original habitats. Many of the species you see in ZooParc therefore have a status ranging from 'vulnerable' to 'critically endangered'. Together, we can help them, with big, or small steps. On this page, you will discover how ZooParc Overloon is committed to nature conservation and read how you can help too.

How do we contribute?

Een giraf eet bladeren van een tak bij ZooParc Overloon.

Species Conservation through Collaboration

Did you know that European parks work together to preserve (endangered) animal species? Thanks to this collaboration, almost all the animals you see at ZooParc were born here or relocated from another park. In some cases, animals are even reintroduced into the wild.

Twee pinguïns liggen samen in het zand bij Boulders Beach bij ZooParc Overloon.

Nature Conservation Projects

ZooParc Overloon is committed to protecting nature. Through Stichting Wildlife, we support nearly thirty projects worldwide, from North Brabant to South Africa. In this way, we help a wide range of animals, from the black bee to the Reticulated giraffe.

Dwergnijlpaarden close-up buiten ZooParc Overloon

Protecting through Research

By conducting research, we learn a lot about animal species and discover how we can help them. Research is therefore very important for protecting endangered species and the areas where they live. That’s why ZooParc conducts research and is happy to contribute to projects by others.

Supporting Native Nature

If you look closely, you'll see many animal and plant species in ZooParc that are not part of the collection. These native species originally occur in the Netherlands and are adapted to our climate. Did you know that many native species are also classified as 'endangered'?

Een jonge fossa klimt in een boom bij ZooParc Overloon.


At ZooParc, you embark on an adventure through expedition areas that mimic habitats from all around the world. One of the main tasks of ZooParc is to provide quality education. Here, you can learn all about the animals and be inspired in the field of nature conservation and preservation.

How can you contribute?

Een jonge ringstaartmaki zit op de rug van haar moeder bij ZooParc Overloon.

Adopt an animal

A great way to donate to Stichting Wildlife is by adopting an animal (species) at ZooParc. Become the adoptive parent of your favorite species or give an adoption as a gift!

Discover the benefits
Kinderfeestjes najaar jongen en meisjes bij de zwijnen ZooParc Overloon

Volunteer guide at Stichting Wildlife

As a guide, you tell visitors all about the animals and nature conservation projects. You share your love for nature and inspire others to contribute to nature conservation.

More information

Do you have a question about nature conservation or the role of ZooParc Overloon? Ask it here!

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