Netgiraffe close-up op grasveld ZooParc Overloon

Adopt an animal

Adopt an animal at ZooParc Overloon

At ZooParc, you get the special opportunity to adopt one of the many animals you see in the park. Stichting Wildlife receives the proceeds of your adoption as a donation. With this, we support conservation projects all over the world. Will you become an adopter of your favourite species or would you rather give an adoption as a gift?

Adopt an animal

Your favourite animal species can be adopted in 7 categories

You can be an adopter from € 25 per year*. You can do this for yourself, as a gift to someone else or as a company. Each category has unique benefits, in the table below you will find them all.
*The amounts below are exclusive of 21% VAT.

In deze tabel zie je de verschillende categorieën waarin je een dier kan adopteren bij Stichting Wildlife.

View the different categories

You can adopt any animal species you see in ZooParc.

Do you have a question? The adoption administration will be happy to help you!

Adopt an animalContact us

Periodic donations

The advantage of periodic gifting is that your adoption contribution is fully tax-deductible with no threshold. Here, you donate a certain amount each year for at least five years. The tax authorities pay up to 52% of the donation, depending on your income. Would you like to become an adoptive parent through periodic gifting? Contact the administration or indicate this with your application.

Some of the projects supported by your adoption:

In this section, you will find a link to the Stichting Wildlife website.
See all projects
Do you have a question about the conservation of nature or the role of ZooParc Overloon?
Ask us here