Madagascar: new walk-through area in ZooParc Overloon

A completely new themed area at ZooParc Overloon, aptly named Madagascar, will open to the public on Saturday, July 20. In this area, which visitors can walk through, you will come face to face with prosimians and fossas.

Unique, as no other animal park in the Netherlands has fossas on display. On the half-monkey island, visitors could already walk among the ring-tailed lemurs. These ring-tailed lemurs are now moving to the entirely new and much larger walk-through area, where they will take up residence along with 5 other species.

Two parts form one in Madagascar

One part of the island is home to the prosimians. Here visitors literally walk among the prosimians. The different species they encounter are: ring-tailed lemurs, red-bellied lemurs, Alaotra bamboo lemurs and crown lemurs. The other part of Madagascar is inhabited by fossas, true carnivores and the lemurs' natural enemy. Although the parts are not connected, they still form a whole. From different points, visitors have a view of both the enclosure and the fossa cave.

Nature in Madagascar threatened

Fossas and lemurs are found only in Madagascar. On this large island, almost 90% of the forest has disappeared. People cut down the trees for wood or burn the forest to grow food. As a result, the fossa is facing extinction. There are now probably only about 2,500 fossas left in the wild. Lemurs are also suffering from the disappearance of Madagascar's forests.

Stichting Wildlife

Stichting Wildlife is committed to projects such as those of the fossa'a. The foundation supports various conservation projects worldwide and promotes the conservation and well-being of endangered species around the world through nature and environmental education and other activities. Financial support is also given to various conservation projects.