Bennet wallabies, capybaras and a crested serpent born at ZooParc Overloon!
At ZooParc Overloon, two Bennet Wallabies, six capybaras and a crested sera have been born! All of the newborn animals are doing well.
ZooParc is now home to nine Bennetwallabies. The two cubs can already be seen outside the mother's pouch, slowly jumping around more and more independently. Bennetwallabies are native to Australia.
CapybarasTwo capabara females became mothers almost at the same time at ZooParc. The two ladies, who both became first-time mothers gave birth to two and four cubs.
Crested Seriesma
For the first time in years, a young was born again at these Crested Serpentines. The young is now so large that he or she will soon be leaving the nest. Because the sex in most young birds cannot be determined by eye, the animal handlers will pull feathers to have a DNA analysis done.