Anteater born at ZooParc Overloon

For the second time ever in ZooParc Overloon's history, an anteater has been born. Mother Toussle gave birth to a healthy cub last Sunday. Whether it is a male or female the keepers do not know at this time. Starting today, visitors can admire the young anteater daily between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. in Zooparc Overloon. During the Whitsun weekend, visitors can even give the young anteater a name.

Public invents name
Since we are also looking for a name for the little anteater, we are enlisting the help of our visitors. All people who come to the park on Saturday, Sunday or Monday during the Whitsun weekend will have the opportunity to come up with a cute boy's and girl's name. Once the gender is known, caretakers will choose the cutest name. We invite the winners to come and admire the young anteater from very close quarters.

On mother's back
After a gestation period of about 6 months, caretakers found a tiny anteater in the enclosure Sunday morning. Even from birth, a young anteater looks identical to its parents, only in miniature form.
For the next few months, the cub will hitch a ride with the mother on her back until he or she is old and strong enough to stand on his or her own two feet. By sitting on its back with mother, the cub ensures that it is almost invisible to predators.

Special birth
The birth of an anteater is very special. In all of Europe, only 150 anteaters live in zoos. Because anteaters have a vulnerable status in the wild, this species is part of a European breeding program. With the birth of this youngster, ZooParc Overloon fortunately contributes to the preservation of these magnificent animals.