White headed vulture

"The white-headed vulture often makes its nest in the top of a baobab tree."


  • Trigonoceps occipitalis

    Scientific name

  • Bos en graslanden in Afrika ten zuiden van de Sahara


  • Vlees


  • Onbekend


  • 4-5 kg


  • 1 ei

    Number of eggs

  • 55 dagen

    Breeding time

  • Ernstig bedreigd

    IUCN Status

  • Ja


Wist je dat?

  • 4,5

    kg, that's how much I weigh on average

  • 1

    egg, so many I lay

  • 55

    days, that's how long it takes for my egg to hatch

Rather alone

You won't often see white-faced vultures in large groups together. They prefer to live alone or in pairs. Even with a large carcass, you will never see more than about six white-faced vultures. They also prefer not to make their nest near other vultures. They keep a wide distance from their neighbors.

Hunter and thief

Like most vultures, white-faced vultures eat mostly meat from dead animals. But white-faced vultures sometimes hunt mongooses, lizards and other small animals on their own. They are also good at stealing food from other birds. They harass a bird until it drops its prey. The white-headed vulture can then eat the meat on the ground at its leisure.

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