Southern tamandua

"The name 'tamandua' comes from Tupí, a Brazilian language. It means 'catcher of ants.'"

Discover in real life
Southern tamanduaTamandua tetradactyla
  • Habitat

    Tropical rainforests and savannas in South America

  • Food

    Termites, ants, honey and bees

  • Lifetime

    9 years

  • Weight

    4.5 kg

  • Number of young

    1 juvenile

  • Wear time

    4 - 5 months

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP



ants and termites the tamandua eats about every day


kilogram, that's how much a southern tamandua can weigh


months, that's how long a female's gestation period is

A fifth arm

The southern tamandua lives almost all its life in the trees. Therefore, it can climb very well. To hold itself well, the tamandua also uses its tail. There are no hairs on the underside of the tail. The skin there is a bit thicker and a bit rough. Thus, the tamandua can hold onto the branches with its tail very well.

Talking with scent

Tamandua live alone. They leave messages for other tamandua by smell. Under their tail is a small opening where an oil-like stuff comes out. This oil smells very strongly. This allows tamandua to let each other know their territory and, for example, whether they are looking for a mate. When threatened, they use the smelly oil to scare off their enemy.

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