South American tapir

"The young have a brown and white striped coat and stay with the mother for 1.5 years."

Discover in real life
TapirTapirus terrestris
  • Habitat

    Northern part of South America

  • Food

    fruits, leaves and other plant material

  • Lifetime

    35 years

  • Weight

    150 to 250 pounds

  • Length

    2 to 2.20 m

  • Number of youngsters

    1 of 2

  • Wear time

    +/- 12 months

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP


  • 12

    months, so long is the gestation period of the tapir

  • 1,5

    years, as long as youngsters stay with their mother

  • 35

    years, that's how old a tapir can get

  • Trunk

    The small, mobile trunk is used by tapirs when collecting food. The environment is sniffed with it and the food found can be brought to the mouth through the trunk.

    Excellent swimmers

    South American tapirs can swim and dive well. When in danger, they run away or dive into the water. Sometimes they sleep in the water. To get rid of skin parasites, tapirs take mud baths.

    Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Clickhere.