Red nose bear

"With its agile nose, the nasal bear can smell worms as much as 30 cm below the ground."

Discover in real life
Red nose bearNasua nasua
  • Habitat

    South America, in the tropical forests

  • Food

    fruits, invertebrates, insects, lizards, small mammals and carrion

  • Lifetime

    up to 17 years

  • Weight

    3 to 6 pounds

  • Length

    73 cm to 1.36 cm

  • Number of youngsters

    3 to 7

  • Wear time

    2.5 months

  • IUCN status


  • EEP


  • 30

    cm, that's how far underground a nose bear can smell worms

  • 17

    years, that's how old a red nose bear can get

  • 2,5

    months, which is the gestation period of a red rhinoceros bear

  • Women's groups

    Red nose bears live in female groups. During mating season, if a male is submissive enough, he may enter the female group. Once the cubs are born, he is returned to the group
    chased out.


    Red rhinoceros bear groups each have their own territory, but when they meet, they rarely fight. While roaming, coatis make twittering sounds to keep in touch with each other.

    Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Clickhere.