Spray Panther

"Spray leopards are very shy animals and they live in dense rainforest. That's why very little is known about these animals."

Discover in real life
Egyptian TortoiseNeofelis nebulosa
  • Habitat

    Tropical rainforest in Southeast Asia

  • Food

    Birds, fish, mammals

  • Lifetime

    11 - 15 years

  • Weight

    18 - 22 kg

  • Number of youngsters

    1 - 5 youngsters

  • Wear time

    3 months

  • IUCN status


  • EEP



years, that's how old I can get


months, that's how long I've been pregnant


boy, I can get that many at a time

Champion in climbing

Spray leopards are incredibly good climbers. They have very strong legs and they can twist their ankles. This allows them to climb out of the tree with their heads down. They can also climb upside down along branches and even hang from a branch using only their hind legs. Their long tail helps them stay balanced.

No more forest

There are probably fewer than 10,000 clouded leopards still living in the wild. One of the major problems for these animals is that their habitat is getting smaller and smaller. The rainforest in Southeast Asia is being cut down to make way for agriculture. What remains are very small pieces of forest. Those pieces have no connection to each other. As a result, clouded leopards cannot seek each other out to mate.

Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Click here.