Gray crowned crane

"The gray crowned crane gets its name from the unusual plume on its head."

Discover in real life
Gray crowned craneBalearica regulorum
  • Habitat

    Eastern Africa

  • Food

    Insects and small mammals

  • Lifetime

    up to 35 years

  • Weight

    3-4 pounds

  • Length

    100 cm

  • Number of eggs

    2 to 5

  • Incubation time

    28 to 31 days

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP



month, that's about how long incubation takes


cm, that's how big a gray crowned crane is


years, that's how old a gray crowned crane can get

National pride

In the African country of Uganda, the crowned crane is considered a national pride. This bird is even depicted in the country's flag.

The tree in

The crown crane is the only crane species in the world that does occasionally perch in a tree.

Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Clickhere.