Golden lion monkey

"In 1960, there were only about 200 golden lion monkeys left in the wild. Now there are nearly 3,000 again."

Discover in real life
Golden lion monkeyLeontopithecus rosalia
  • Habitat

    Atlantic rainforest

  • Food

    Small reptiles, insects, eggs and fruits

  • Lifetime

    20 years

  • Weight

    500 - 700 g

  • Number of youngsters


  • Wear time

    4.5 months

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP



years, that's how old a golden lion monkey can get in the wild


grams, that's how much a golden lion monkey can weigh


months, so long is the gestation period of a golden lion monkey

Golden family

Golden lion monkeys live in groups of two to eight animals. Usually these are family groups. A father and mother live together with their young of different years. When new cubs are born, the whole group takes care of them together. Often the older animals also share their food with the young.


Years of deforestation have reduced the habitat of golden lion monkeys by about 98%. The number of golden lion monkeys has also declined dramatically as a result. Golden lion monkeys are part of one of the largest reintroduction projects in the world. Here, thanks in part to successful breeding programs, golden lion monkeys have been released from zoos into the wild.

Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Click here.