Crested Grouse

"You might not say it, but tufted grouse can fly well," he said.

Discover in real life
Crested GrouseChauna torquata
  • Habitat

    South America

  • Food

    leaves, grain and insects

  • Lifetime

    maximum 30 years

  • Weight

    around 3 kilos

  • Height

    71 to 92 cm

  • Number of youngsters

    2 to 8

  • Incubation time

    40 to 47 days

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP


  • 3

    kilograms, that's how heavy a crested grouse can weigh

  • 15

    cm, so high is the crest

  • 8

    eggs the female lays a maximum of

  • Strange duck

    The crested coot is related to ducks and geese. They can swim well, but their feet do not have such large flippers as their distant cousins. They prefer to walk on the ground. They eat seeds, leaves and roots of plants.


    The nest of a pair of tufted grouse looks like a large platform of reeds, near the water. The female lays 2 to 8 eggs. When the chicks hatch, they immediately leave the nest. Also just like ducks and geese.

    Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Clickhere.