Cinnamon Eel

"The cinnamon teal is one of the smallest duck species."

Discover in real life
Cinnamon EelSpatula cyanoptera
  • Habitat

    shallow ponds, marshes and lakes with alkaline water

  • Food

    seeds, plants, insects and mollusks

  • Lifetime

    12 years

  • Weight

    350 - 400 grams

  • Number of eggs

    10 eggs

  • Incubation time

    21 to 25 days

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP


  • 400

    grams, that's how heavy a cinnamon eel can weigh

  • 10

    eggs the female lays a maximum of

  • Decorating

    Cinnamon eels look for a new mate every winter. Females let it be known that they like a male by swimming in front of him. Males decorate a female by brushing their feathers, calling and moving their heads up and down. When two teals have chosen each other, they do another kind of dance together in the water.

    Stringent monitoring

    The male of the cinnamon teal protects his territory well. This includes his female and her nest of eggs. The male is often so busy protecting the territory that he eats much less than the female. He does this from the moment the female begins building the nest. When the young hatch, he takes it a little easier.

    Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Clickhere.