Chilean flamingo

"In such a large group, parents recognize their children by the sound they make."

Discover in real life
Chilean flamingoPhoenicopterus chilensis
  • Habitat

    South America

  • Food

    mollusks, aquatic worms, crustaceans, animal plankton and other marine invertebrates

  • Lifetime

    maximum 50 years

  • Weight

    approximately 3 kilos

  • Length

    80 to 145 cm

  • Number of youngsters

    1 of 2

  • Incubation time

    29 days on average

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP


  • 50

    year became the oldest flamingo ever

  • 3

    kilograms, that's about how much a flamingo weighs

  • 29

    days, that's how long the flamingo has been breeding

  • Preschool

    When young flamingos are 5 to 8 days old, they are already leaving the nest. All these young flamingos gather in one big group. It is like a preschool for flamingos.

    On one leg

    Flamingos often stand on one leg while resting to keep their bodies warmer. This is because they lose a lot of heat through their legs. They also tuck their head and neck under a wing. Nice and warm.

    Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Clickhere.