Bolivian squirrel monkey

"Like humans, Bolivian squirrel monkeys can also see in color."

Discover in real life
Bolivian squirrel monkeySaimiri boliviensis
  • Habitat

    South America, tropical rainforest

  • Food

    insects, fruits, nuts, flowers, seeds, leaves, bats, birds and eggs

  • Lifetime

    maximum 30 years

  • Weight

    365 to 1135 grams

  • Number of youngsters


  • Wear time

    5.5 months

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP


  • 5,5

    months it takes for a youngster to become

  • 30

    years, that's how old these monkeys can get

  • 365

    grams, that's how light a squirrel monkey can be

  • Husband and wife separately

    In a group of squirrel monkeys, the males live separately from the females. Only the highest ranking males join the females to mate. Children are raised in the female group, where they collectively care for the young.

    Important animals

    In the tropical rainforest, they eat mostly insects and fruit. Thus, they help keep the number of insects in check. By eating fruit, they help spread the seeds from which new trees can grow.

    Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Clickhere.