African wild dog

"Although each wild dog has a different spotting pattern, they all have a white tail tip."

Discover in real life
African wild dogLycaon pictus
  • Habitat


  • Food

    meat, including small antelope and old, sick or injured larger ungulates such as zebras

  • Lifetime

    11 years

  • Weight

    18 to 36 pounds

  • Length

    75 cm to 1.10 m

  • Number of young

    average 8

  • Wear time

    2 to 2.5 months

  • IUCN Status


  • EEP


  • 11

    years, that's how old the wild dog gets on average

  • 36

    kilograms a wild dog can weigh

  • 8

    boy, so many are born on average

  • Successful hunter

    Wild dogs hunt in large groups. By exhausting their prey first and then striking all at once, they can even catch prey that are bigger, stronger and faster than themselves.

    Alpha pair

    In a pack of wild dogs, the alpha pair is in charge. This dominant pair decides which prey to hunt. Also, only this pair is allowed to have young. The rest of the group helps with raising them.

    Want to know more about IUCN status or the EEP? Clickhere